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Everything an urbanite needs to stay on top in the city.

Superior Urban

The New Hero is You.


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Philosophy of Urban Life

Similarities between Camping and Urban Living

Similarities between Camping and Urban Living

How Urban life is a lot like Camping

If you have ever gone camping, you know how carefully you need to plan what to take with you.  For instance, toilet paper, soap, matches, and water come in very handy when you need them.  Have you ever tried lighting a fire by rubbing two sticks together?  It can be done, but wouldn't a book of free matches from the Pub do a better, faster job?

New Approach to Urban Gear

New Approach to Urban Gear

When we go camping, vacationing, or cruising, we outfit ourselves.  We pack.  We prepare.  And yet, we Urban Creatures forget that when we venture out into the urban wilderness, we would be wise to outfit ourselves--to be fully prepared for our day.
Reduce your Stuff

Reduce your Stuff

We might be Urban Dwellers, but we also know that the environment isn't something "out there."  The Great Outdoors is literally outside our front doors.  Instead of towering trees, we are surrounded by towering buildings.  Instead of prairies and meadows, we are surrounded by concrete and asphalt.

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Superior Urban

Outfitting the urban warrior.